September 3, 2008

Is Summer Over?

Is the school year really beginning?! Yes! But first….some updates since July….


Our little bean had an attack two weeks ago that hospitalized her for 2 days (1 one night). It came on so quickly! She had a runny nose Sunday, then a cough Sunday night and by Monday night she was terrible and we were in the hospital Tuesday morning. Fortunately, she has recovered quickly and seems to be back on track again. We don’t know what brought this on or why she did so well over the past few months, but we are hopefully that the episodes will become less frequent and as she grows she will be able to fight them off quicker.

In the middle of this, we were potty training Skylar! She did great. She did wear diapers in the hospital for ease with the IV, but she got right back on track. She still wears a pull-up at night and if she is busy during the day she gets lazy, but all in all, she’s doing great!!! Then one day last week, as I was pouring soy milk in her night bottle, she said “no more bottles, for babies. I big girl, cup please.” So, out went the bottles too! No more diapers, no more bottles, I’m like a new mom!


Kaitlyn became quite a water rat this summer. She has always been passionate about the beach, but this summer she added pools to her list. She can swim underwater across the width of a pool and kick her feet, “like a mermaid.” It’s really cute to watch. She also is doing great on her 2-wheel bike, now able to turn around and do loops in front of the house as well as start peddling on her own with no assistance. It’s amazing how quickly she is growing up. …

A quick Kaitlyn story:
A few weeks ago she said to me while driving in the car that she really needs Skechers. I said, ok, but why? She said they are very tight fitting and will make you run fast. I asked her who told her this and she said “the tv, so it’s true.” Well, it turns out she was very serious about this and thought this was going to be important for gym class in September. So, we went out this past weekend and bought a pair of Skechers. On Sunday morning, she woke up, got dressed, put socks and her Sketchers on was running up and down my hallway. She ran into my room (it was only 7am) and she said “did you see how fast I was? I wouldn’t be that fast if I didn’t have these Skechers that are so tight fitting.”


We had a great visit with my college roommate from JMU, Stephanie, her husband Alan, and 6-month old son, Dominic! The weekend went too quick, but we managed to taste some new wines and eat some great food along with many laughs!
Today was Kaitlyn’s first day of school. How exciting! She got off on the bus this morning without any hesitation and sat with our next door neighbor Katie. Her friend Mackenzie is also on her bus, but we don’t know if she has any other friends in her class with Mrs. Kerringer. She was fully prepared having memorized her student id number and her lunch all packed. I can’t wait to get home today to hear all her stories and learn the rules and ropes!

Tomorrow is my first day of school! How weird to even write it! I am excited and nervous, but Beth told me in her class of 20 last night there were at least 9 “adults” – is that what I am?! It does make me feel better though and I am really looking forward to learning all about my program. I had my “orientation” last week and received my school id, parking permit, and e-mail account. What fun!

John’s first day of school is also tomorrow. We still have a few trips left on the Taryn Ann, but he has had this week off on the boat (finally!), which is well-deserved. He always has great stories about his students, so this year shouldn’t be any different.

Our niece, Emma, is getting so big! She grew two inches since she was born and now weighs just over 9 pounds. She is such a little love muffin and is starting to coo and smile.

Stay posted for news on Kaitlyn’s big DAY!!!

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