January 20, 2008

Dr. Kattan, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital

On Thursday, we met with Dr. Meyer Kattan at CPH. Dr. Kattan is the Director of Pediatric Pulmonology, one of the top physicians in his field. We arrived at the office and after virtually no wait (imagine that!) he examined Skylar as we discussed her history.
He reviewed several tests (I had brought copies with me) and he made several conclusions....she does NOT have reactive airway disease (asthma). He also discovered that the immunology test that was run last November (2006) showed low IGA levels which could indicate specific pulmonary issues. He also recommended blood allergy tests rather than scratch (skin) testing.

Although these two tests may give further insight to Skylar's condition, he believes she has something called CPD. Basically patients who have CPD, have cilia that is not structured properly (we have cilia or hair in our ears, nose and lungs). This means that there is no "filter" working in Skylar's pulmonary system. Although this is not a common genetic disorder, most patients who he tests for it are positive. To test, a biopsy, or scraping of cilia in the nose, will be examined for its structure. This test takes approximately a month for results. I found a basic article on the disease for those interested in learning a little bit more:

If Skylar does have CPD, it is not curable, it is something she will live with. However, most cases are manageable with antibiotics, and as she gets older, exercise.

We had Skylar's blood drawn yesterday for the more extensive allergy and immunology tests. After the results this week, Dr. Kattan will determine when we will biopsy her cilia.

On a positive note, John managed to buy a Wii this weekend. Needless to say, we've had quite a lot of fun with it and found that Kaitlyn may have my grandfather's skills in boxing. She kicked all our butts!!!

January 14, 2008

2008 starts with a bang!!!

A very belated Happy New Year!!! John and I are very proud to report we spent the night at home, with our 2 girls, champagne, watching the fireworks over the water from the front deck. Ok. I confess, he did have to wake me up at 11:50pm, but that is no surprise!!!

Lots to report since our last post. We started the year out perfectly. New Year's Day night, John and I were on the couch upstairs saying "wow, the kids have been downstairs for a while." Tired from the week's events, neither of us wanted to get off our lazy butts and go check on them. So we waited. And we waited. After about a half hour, Kaitlyn came upstairs and asked if we could, "help get the new diaper on Skylar." OH GEEZE.

"What do you mean get a new diaper on her?"

"Well, it needed to be changed so I figured I would just do it for you."

"What do you mean dirty?"

"Well, she had poopy, so I changed it." OH GEEZE.
At that moment we decided to get up off our lazy butts. I checked Skylar's bottom. PERFECTLY CLEAN. Then John checked the location of event....PERFECTLY CLEAN. She even wrapped the diaper up and put the wipes away. Hmmm....this could be a great year!!

Skylar has been feeling really great (knock, knock, knock). We have an appointment with the Department head of Pulmonology at Columbia Presbyterian in NYC. Our ENT recommended we pursue her pulmonology issues further. Although she is feeling great (she actually started a runny nose and cough tonight), these last 3 weeks is the longest she has gone "well" since June. We don't know what answer to expect, but any answer right now would be appreciated.....

Kaitlyn is thriving in school. She is writing her name very well and (believe it or not) is registering for Kindergarten next week! Holy crow. Time flies....

The "bang" that started our year was on January 3rd....the coil in the air handler burst in 4 places in our upstairs room (family room). It leaked straight down the house, leaving a pretty water color in the master bath, and a smaller master piece in the kitchen. Thanks to John's cousin Richie, we now have transitioned the heating system from forced air to baseboard heating. He even missed the Giants playoff game to help us...now that's family commitment!!

And last, but certainly not least............WE ARE GOING TO BE AN AUNT AND UNCLE!!! Yes, Kimmie and Andrew are expecting Baby G on July 15th. Hmmm, he or she which will it be???