November 24, 2007

St. Jude's Preschool

We received Kaitlyn's school pictures and here they are! We aren't thrilled with her individual photo, we don't think it really "looks" like her, but her class photo is cute. We think the photographer needs to stick to a word like "cheese" instead of "toy".....note the tallest child in the class!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving...surrounded by family and friends, it was perfect! First we went to Mema and Papa's house for dinner, then off to Grandma and Grandpa's for dessert. We really need to start investing in elastic banded pants for this big day....

The Reilly's, The Lanigan's, The Gigante's, The Kaufmann's, the Harris' and the Cheeseman's!

Three generations of Reillys!

This week we are keeping busyas usual with John working extra long days and dance class for Kaitlyn, etc. Skylar is going through an episode this week, so we are hoping and praying that she passes all the testing this week for her scheduled procedure on December 4th. Tuesday is John's birthday and Skylar has her pre-surgical testing. Wednesday Jennie is having a "gold" party at Mema's house where guests bring broken or mismatched jewelry to receive cash! We figure there's no better party than one leaving WITH money rather than spending it!

Stay tuned for pictures from John's birthday!

November 7, 2007

Rings on her Fingers, Tubes in her Ears!

Skylar had her follow up with the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) doctor on Tuesday. He confirmed she does have at least a 20% hearing loss and that tubes would help her tremendously. Considering she has had over 13 ear infections (in addition to her pulmonary issues) the past year, this was an easy decision for John and me. The procedure is scheduled for 12.4.07, pending blood work and clearance from her pediatrician. Please send healthy vibes our way! We don't want to have to reschedule!

Some pictures from the summer....Mema and Aunt Barbara (Mema's friend) took the girls to a local butterfly farm. They had a blast!

November 1, 2007

Tricks and Treats

First things first, PICTURES!!!!

Princess Fiona (the ogre Fiona...) and Tutti Frutti (the chiquita banana girl)
What an exciting day....if you're a kid! Kaitlyn had a party at school which Pop and Skylar got to attend. Then off to East Islip where they visited Grandma and Grandpa and Mema and Papa (thanks for the pictures Mema!). The girls had a great day, filled with LOTS of candy (boy did John and I have fun picking out our favorites!) and excitement. They ran from house to house! Kaitlyn got to give out the "treats" at Mema's house (who gets almost 200 treaters on this day!), but she had RULES. "And who are you?" well, the teenagers thought this was funny as they were standing in flannel pj pants filled with shaving cream! Then she would ask, "and what do you say?" I think the trick or treaters laughed more than we did!

Skylar vs. Witchcraft

Skylar had her first visit with the alternative medicine doctor on Friday.....I know that many of you may have been as skeptical as me, so let me give you an example of one of his patients.

A family friend's best friend stopped getting her period around age 20. She also suddenly had gained a large amount of weight. After seeing several doctors, she was told that her body was going through menopause and that they would try hormone therapy to trick her body to get back to its regular cycle. Dr. Capuano had a different theory (after he tested her); He said that her body was allergic to Vitamin A, Vitamin D and was actually allergic to her own hormones. Her body's reaction was to turn the Vitamins she was allergic to into fat, causing her to gain a sudden amount of weight. His practice is to reverse the allergy (that is where the skepticism plays a role). Within a short time, she lost all the weight and now has a regular cycle.....

With that said, John and I felt we had nothing to lose but to see what Dr. Capuano had to say about Skylar. He evaluates patients biomedically. To give you a picture, she had to hold a medal rod in her left hand that was connected to a machine, that made a pitch noise and had a meter reading. He sat facing Skylar and held two "pens" connected by a wire. He had THOUSANDS of vials (similar to what an apothecary's office would look like), each one containing a "reactor." As Skylar was holding the rod in her left hand, he would touch her right hand with one pen and hold the other pen over a vial. If the meter's pitch changed, then her body was reacting to a reactor (this type of alternative practice was founded in theh 1800s in Germany). After going through several hundred reactors, he determined her allergies to be:

wheat, gluten, dairy, salt, sugar, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, corn.

Essentially, everything that Skylar was eating, her body was allergic to. Her body's defense mechanism was to build mucus to protect itself and after similar testing (of her body parts) the only body part affected was her lungs. Again, to see this type of testing in his office is to believe it. It was (literally) awesome.

So now what?

He needs to reverse her allergies with a form of acupuncture (she is too small for needles). Since she has so many allergies, it will be a 3 step process. The first step, which was on Friday, was to reverse the salt and sugar allergy. After the acupuncture treatment, she was not permitted to touch or consume salt and sugar for 25 hours. This was the hard part! Try and tell your baby no milk bottles! Her diet consumed of only: meat, chicken, eggs and distilled water. NOT EVEN A BATH, since tap water has salt in it! Successfully (we think) we did it. God bless our little Skylar bean for being such a great patient. Let's hope the reversal worked. We have our next appointment on November 17th.......